An exciting year beckons for Tattersalls Squash in 2023, so grab a racquet and get ready for a year full of hardball.
Our Squash events planned for the year are:
Squash coaching session with Michelle Martin: from Wednesday February 8
Former World Champion Michelle Martin is coming back to Tattersalls Club to train our members. Again, all standards – from beginner to advanced are catered for, so if you are interested in meeting a multiple World Champion and being able to name-drop with aplomb, sign for the six weeks of fitness, fun, drinks after and sledging that goes with a Martin Master Class!
Michelle Martin Cup: Wednesday March 22
The Michelle Martin Cup is a social round-robin for Tattersalls squash players. Play multiple matches with the first to seven points. Sign up at the AD desk.
Heather McKay Shield: Various dates
This is a round-robin for Members who played throughout the year. Four matches are guaranteed and a handicapped event, so anyone on the day can win. Sign up at the AD desk.
Golden Ball Cup
Come and play the Golden Ball Cup and represent your Club against Killara Golf, Uni & Schools and Royal Sydney Golf Club. Then enjoy a delicious meal and drinks afterwards with the teams. The dates for this event are yet to be confirmed.
City Houses Squash competition: commencing April
Coming soon. Play once a week (Mondays or Wednesdays) from 17:45 to 20:00 representing your club. Teams cater from A-grade champions to B and C-grade intermediates and D-grade beginners. Opening night with free food and drinks, keep an eye out for our newsletters for more details.
If you have any queries about any of the above-mentioned events or would like to register for them, please contact the AD at