Thursday 05 December 2024 at 17:30 in the Members Dining Room
Dear Members,
In accordance with Rule 69 of the Tattersalls Club Rules (“the Club Rules”) the business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to deal with:
(a) Confirmation of previous minutes.
(b) Adoption of Annual Report, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
(c) Election of Chairman.
(d) Election of Treasurer.
(e) Election of Members of Committee in place of those retiring.
(f) Election of Auditor/s.
(g) Any other business that may be brought before the Meeting in accordance with the Rules of the Club
In relation to (c), (d) and (e)
(i) Rule 52(ii) of the Club Rules provide that each of the Chairman, the Treasurer and all Members of the Committee retire annually but are eligible for re-election without nomination. In this regard the Chairman, the Treasurer and all Members of the Committee have advised me that they will be offering themselves to be re-elected for a further annual term.
(ii) Notwithstanding this re-nomination, Rule 52(iii) of the Club Rules provides that any member interested in nominating for the position of Chairman, Treasurer or Member of the Committee can do so but that such nomination must be done prior to close of business on 14 November 2024. If there are more nominations than positions to fill, a ballot will held in accordance with Rule 53 of the Club Rules to determine the successful candidates for each position for which a ballot was necessary.
(iii) Any member wishing to nominate for the position of Chairman, Treasurer or Member of the Committee should note that Rule 52(iii) of the Club Rules provides that:
No person shall be eligible to become Chairman, Treasurer or Member of the Committee unless
(i) they have paid all subscriptions and other moneys due by them to the Club at date of nomination; and
(ii) they shall have been nominated in writing by two Members of the Club who shall have paid all subscriptions due by them to the Club at date of nomination and such nomination, with the written consent of the Nominee endorsed thereon, shall have been handed to the Secretary of the Club by close of business on 14 November 2024.
In relation to (g),
If any Member wishes to put a motion before the Annual General Meeting, Rule 70 of the Club Rules dictate that such notice if Motion must be given in writing to the Secretary prior to 6th November 2024.
Best regards,
Will Pettigrew
Tattersalls Club Secretary