Do you wake up each morning feeling tired? Tattersalls is turning up the heat under the omelette to fuel your body with protein and energy.

An omelette is a great way to consume nutrition and a balanced diet early in the morning, and it keeps you active all day. Tattersalls has tweaked our famous omelette on our breakfast menu – we are now serving the Goats cheese and spinach omelette instead. Adding a little cheese adds immense flavour and extra calcium that make a really tasty and healthy breakfast option. Not only is it filled with omega-3 acids, but also rich in proteins – essential for your body to improve your strength and ensure muscle & tissue repair.

Head Chef Fernando has sourced this soft goat cheese from Meredith Dairy in Victoria. Marinated in garlic and herb-infused edible oils, this new omelette is absolutely divine. So come join us for breakfast Monday to Friday, from 07:00 until 09:00, and let us crack a few shelves to get your morning started.

Contact the F&B team at for further enquiries.