The dream of owning a brewery or vineyard is probably a familiar one for many. For Andrew Cooper & Katherine Brown, next-generation custodians of Coopers Brewery & Brown Family Wines it wasn’t a choice but a vocation.

Under no circumstances a vacation, it has involved a lot of love and sweat, here are some inside secrets as to the longevity of these two iconic names.

Brown Family Business ‘Rules’: To work in the family business the family must;

  1. Study externally a degree trade or qualification
  2. Work for 5 years outside the business
  3. Cannot take the role of an incumbent employee on return

For Coopers, 160 years has seen some difficult times and whilst Dr Tim Coopers training will surprise you, key to their survival is diversification.

Australia’s largest independent Brewery (by quite a stretch).

  1. Generates only a third of its turnover from packaged beer.
  2. Another third from the production of Homebrewing supplies (and is the largest supplier and network of home brewing stores in the USA)
  3. Its final third is from Malt Extract used in the humble Cornflake & Mars Bar.

Enjoy the fruits of their many generations of labour, all paired with Fernando’s carefully crafted five-course degustation menu.

Tickets are still available for purchase for only $110 per person or $200 for a pair.

All Members and their Guests are welcome, please RSVP to