Yesterday in the Club we welcomed Member Baden Green, Andrew Kerr (brother of Member Peter Kerr), Michael Renford (son of the channel swim legend Des Renford), and many more to celebrate their incredible annual English Channel achievements:
1991 – First all-Australian relay team.
1993 – First relay team to complete a 4-way crossing.
2001 – First and only relay team to ever complete a 6-way crossing.
These celebratory lunches are just one of the benefits of a good training regime.
Our stroke correction and swim squad coach Mr Ewen McDonald is here to help you achieve your own celebratory experiences.
Ewen has trained Olympians and state record holders and has been working closely with our Members on Wednesdays from 12:00 for many years now and has helped highlight the benefit of adding swimming training into your routine.
Stroke correction is important for any swimmer and teaches us that sometimes we need to go a little slower to get faster. It also helps teach us the correct positioning of our bodies and breathing methods to help us get fitter and stronger sooner.
We want to emphasise that stroke correction is for everyone, and the benefits of learning to swim well and properly are a skill for life- and something that all of us should aim to have.
For more information regarding Wednesday’s stroke correction or our swimming squad classes, please contact the AD team at