Our Club reflects the extraordinary last 164 years of Sydney’s history.
Intrigue, scandal, celebration, commiserations and every part of the human experience are weaved into it. Some of our stories feel as old as time itself.
Preserving our storylines in the form of archives is an important part of the Friends of Tattersalls Foundation’s purpose. Our stories are our soul and can be shared to inspire generations to come.
It can serve us greatly in terms of educating our new Members and Staff about our Club’s values and culture, celebrating Club’s historical milestones or just looking back every once in a while to reminiscence and nurture.
We are looking for a maximum of five members who share a similar love for our Tattersalls history and the enriching stories it has endured. Interested members will need to commit a few hours a fortnight to help direct the Club in its plans to add, preserve and digitise our history.
So if you are interested in lending a hand in preserving Tattersalls’ rich legacy, please reach out to the Club secretary at DesMulcahy@tattersallsclub.org to express your interest.