Double your opportunity to train during your lunchtime on Wednesdays with the next phase of our athletic offerings.

This Autumn, we are introducing two new lunchtime classes starting from Wednesday 1 March.

The first class “Ultimate Strength” will commence at 12.00 and will be focused purely on strength, power and mobility movements designed by Kerie. This class is perfect for those who need to increase their resistance training, or who want to focus on increasing their overall strength and lifting movements.

The second class “Ultimate Conditioning” will redefine how you see fitness. This class will work on speed, agility, stamina, flexibility and overall conditioning. Each session will be designed to be fast and fierce but welcoming to all.

The purpose behind this idea is to add more variation to your training styles, so we urge you to try these classes with an open mind without feeling restricted by your level of fitness.

A copy of the new timetable will be updated in the Club soon, in the meantime, for any more information on any of the classes we offer, please reach out to the team in the Athletic Department at [email protected].