John Doyle’s Lunch was attended by our members, and he didn’t fail their expectations, it was funny, emotional and endearing with a sense of melancholy!
Only John Doyle would have his alter ego ‘Roy Slaven’ write a memoir, with himself as a secondary character.
He took us on a hilarious and personal journey to Lithgow in 1967 and his ridiculous and his sardonic humour definitively matched with our members crowd that day.
The Club would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Peter Werner for his initiative in bringing John Doyle to our Club.
From Members:
“Thanks for supporting the event. John connects and could have gone on all day. Congratulations to the Tatts staff who did a great job and made the Club shine” – Peter Werner
“We all enjoyed it immensely- he is an engaging storyteller, written & oral; excellent questions too” – Nina Mistilis
“With all his experience on radio, Doyle is a great orator. Timing is everything. Without prompting, he answered so many of our questions and, of great importance, read from his book. The book was good in itself but became even better when extracts were read by the author. He then answered any further questions until time ran out. It was a great promotion for the book club and the club. Inviting writers to speak and read from their own works is an experience not to be missed. So remember to book early next time and in the meantime join the book club to read the book and discuss it, in advance” – David Castle