Business Owners Forum breakfasts continue to grow and are finally back to the pre-covid level of participation now.

This week we welcomed new members to the forum.  Then, Michael Bova, founder of Family Wealth Advisory presented to the group.  He kicked off a terrific discussion on the savings and investment habits that help people create a purposeful life.  How can you harness the power of delayed gratification while enjoying your life along the way?  There might not be a single right way, but there certainly are many traps to avoid!

The group also took the opportunity in resurgence to discuss what they value about Business Forum.  The answer: An ability to get altitude on business affairs by listening to other members’ perspectives over different sectors.  As one member recently said – “I don’t come to Business Forum for the answer, but I do come so I can understand the possibilities.”

And what does the group think could improve?

Just getting the dates in diaries early.  So here are the remaining dates for 2022:

Tues 11 OCT  7:15 am Round Table

Tues 22 NOV  7:15 am Round Table

Save the dates today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is Business Forum for?

Tattersalls Club members who are business owners, partners, leaders or simply interested in business affairs.

When is it?

Every 6 weeks, over breakfast.

Why Should I Go?

Our sub-club survey revealed the main benefits for regular members:

  • Getting to know the other members of the group
  • A chance to step aside from the weeds and take in the big picture
  • Improved market intelligence and understanding of what is happening
  • Different perspectives and ideas to spark fresh thinking
  • Ability to discuss common challenges facing businesses and industry

Can I Come Along To See If I Like It?

Yes definitely, all Tattersalls Club members are welcome to come along and try it out

What Happens at Business Forum?

The heart of the Business Forum is the friendly but energetic conversation between members.  There are often differences in perspective but as you would expect, the club ethos of Honour et Amicitia always rules. For new members considering coming along you are welcome, here is the flow of things (runs using the Chatham House rule):


  • 07:00 – arrivals, coffee and breakfast orders
  • 07:15 (sharp) Open
    • Welcome & member introductions
    • Keynote speaker/member industry focus
    • Q&A and round table discussions
    • Planning and next dates
  • 09:00am (sharp) Close

We always, always, always finish on time as members have places to be and the world to shape!

Special thanks to the front-of-house team of Cinzia and Chef for looking after the group and contributing to the event’s success.

To know more about the Business Forum Breakfast or to RSVP, please contact the team at [email protected].