The historical biography by author Michael Pembroke “Arthur Phillip – Sailor, Mercenary, Governor, Spy ” was discussed at the February book club meeting on Tuesday last. While best known as the founding Governor of the colony, the surprising element to all, was the highly diversified and unexpected background of the man.
The book was, in the main, very well received by the members, and apart from a few gaps pointed out in the story, they found it to be a surprising portrait of the man, before, during and after his term as the first Governor of the colony.
Much discussion centred on Phillips’s intentions and dealings with the indigenous inhabitants of the land, and indeed on the direction in this regard from his principals in England. Was he successful in his desired interaction, bearing in mind, the first settlers were made up mostly of sentenced convicts.?
The average score from the members was 8/10, which signified an enjoyable read from those partaking. Also one of the highest scores received to date.
Some of the three-word summaries received were:
Surprising informative portrait
Expansive, well-researched, fascinating
Elusive Naval Careerist
Georgian Naval drama
Phillip the man
An informative read.
Consequently, the book club members would recommend this book to all other Tattersalls members.
The Book Club is thrilled to inform you that after a long time, the offline sessions have returned and our next meet will be hosted back in the Club at 5:30 pm Tuesday 28 February.
The nominated book is “ Horse by Geraldine Brooks”, an Australian author who divides her time between Australia and the U.S. The author has previously been a winner of the Pulitzer prize.
“An enthralling story and a gripping reckoning with the legacy of enslavement and racism in America. Horse is the latest masterpiece from a writer with a prodigious talent for bringing the past to life”.
Being back in the Club on 28th February would not only be a great experience for the new Members who have joined this Sub-club, but it will be an even better opportunity for all our literature enthusiasts to try and experience our Book Club.
So if you are keen on attending this event, then please contact the team at [email protected] to RSVP.