By Matt Braithwaite-Young
165 years ago Tattersalls Club was founded by some people in Sydney who needed a place to come together and discuss business. The tradition continues.
On the heels of the smash hit of the Business of Sport lunch presented by the Business Forum, the breakfast Business Forum team met on Tuesday for a power roundtable discussion. The team traversed fascinating topics ranging to:
- the pros and cons of crypto (two clear schools of thought on this one! )
- pitching hints and tips used by Business Forum members to win and keep new business (everyone who attended will now be hypnotically persuasive so the business world had better watch out this week)
- how different Members care for and nurture their junior staff to make sure they’re getting plenty of in house skills development and integration with wider teams (one simple idea from a member had everyone’s eyes popping with its simplicity and brilliance)
Breakfast Business Forum
Business Forum is a regular sounding board and gives you altitude and perspective on all the issues that matter to you and your business. Members cover a wide range of industries and roles. If you haven’t been to a Business Forum breakfast and are interested, do come along. We gather at 7ish for a 7:15 start and a 9:00 sharp hard finish so Members can get to work driving the economy.
Circle the date- The next BF dates are:
Tues 30 AUG 07:15 Keynote and Q&A: Intergeneration Wealth – Controlling Cash Flow for a Magnificent Live with Member Michael Bova
Tues 11 OCT 07:15 Round Table: Leading through a downturn from those who have done it before
Tues 22 NOV 07:15 Round Table: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” – lessons learned by the Business Forum- the hard way
Consul Lunches brought to you by Business Forum
Breakfasts are not for everyone, which is why Business Forum has been getting behind the Consul General trade lunches with our VIP visitors explaining the features and trade dynamics between various trading partners and Australia. We’ve had the Indian, Canadian and French consuls visit to brief them the membership and we plan many more to come so watch this space.
Circle the date- The next Consul lunch date is TBC:
Business Forum Social Evening – Honor et Amicitia in Business
Many people who have told us they would love to be involved in the Business Forum but find it hard to make it into the city for breakfast.
So Business Forum will have an evening social make sure all business-interested Members in the Club have a time to catch up with each other. Old and new members come together to meet and socialize. It is so helpful just to know what other Members do – you never know when you might find it useful. There are a couple of surprises planned for this event so put it in your diary right now if you are a business owner, business leader or interested in trade and economics.
Circle the date: Friday September 22nd from 17:30 – 20:00
Email at [email protected] to RSVP for any of the above mentioned events.