Athletic Department

February Workout of the Month: Oxford x Cambridge

The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge has a long history, dating back to around 1209, when Cambridge was founded by scholars taking refuge from hostile Oxford townsmen. The most well known rivalry is the famed boat race, a 6 km paddle to town on the river Thames. The very first Boat Race was won [...]

February Workout of the Month: Oxford x Cambridge2024-02-29T15:58:25+10:00

February AD Member of the Month: John De Mestre

In what has been a raging success to the start of the year, our February AD Member of the Month has surpassed all expectations before we even finish Summer. February’s nomination has well and truly earned his place in the running for Sportsperson of the Year. We are talking about the Tattersalls super-fish himself [...]

February AD Member of the Month: John De Mestre2024-02-29T16:16:38+10:00

Chill & Thrill: Join our Ice Bath Sessions

Every fortnight on Thursdays at 07:00 alternating with Fridays at 13:00 If you have been in the Athletic Department on a Thursday morning lately you might’ve seen a handful of people embracing the ice baths on the pool deck. The brainchild of Wim Hof: the ice bath phenomenon has hit Australian shores with gusto [...]

Chill & Thrill: Join our Ice Bath Sessions2024-02-22T11:36:42+10:00

Get ready for the Clean Out Countdown!

Up to Monday 26 February For many of our members, the lockers, storage and shoe racks on level 2M are a key part of their reason for coming to Tattersalls. Knowing that all their belongings are stored here, they arrive, collect their items, do a workout, return their shoes and then leave. With membership [...]

Get ready for the Clean Out Countdown!2024-02-22T11:41:42+10:00

From Operating Table to World Championships in Four Months!

Lilly Singh wrote “Life is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall - it matters how many times you get back up.” This quote sums up our December AD Member of the Month to the core. After suffering [...]

From Operating Table to World Championships in Four Months!2024-02-19T15:36:10+10:00

The Christmas Blade 2023

Written by member Jim Tate - "The Handicapper" The rhythmical ‘clunk’ of the turning rowlock as the inside hand positions the blade has been familiar to the early walkers along the banks of the Lane Cove River for generations. The shafts of early sun refracting through the sandstone Ignatian edifice on the northern bank [...]

The Christmas Blade 20232024-02-19T15:28:19+10:00

Happy 2024! What’s next?

Embrace the opportunity for self-reflection as we step into the new year, steering clear of the usual clichés surrounding goal-setting. Let's rise above the limitations of mere resolutions and instead, channel our efforts towards achieving greatness. In shaping your objectives, it's crucial to align them with your priorities and personal values, free from external [...]

Happy 2024! What’s next?2024-02-19T15:25:28+10:00

Releasing Your Full Potential with Our Master Classes: Your Guide to Maximising Learning

Saturday 09 March at 09:00  This March, the team in the Athletic Department will be running a series of Masterclasses, designed to help you get familiar with our classes In the Athletic Department. Our current timetable focuses on a full range of fitness designed to keep our members fit, fast, strong and flexible. A [...]

Releasing Your Full Potential with Our Master Classes: Your Guide to Maximising Learning2024-02-15T12:37:29+10:00

March is… Wellness Bingo

From Friday 01 to Friday 29 March March is the month to follow your bingo intuition and complete the wellness card that will be provided by the Athletic Department. The month we focus on all the things that make us feel good, keep us energised, give us energy and keep us moving forward. Starting [...]

March is… Wellness Bingo2024-02-08T14:24:26+10:00

Swim Club Races Are Back!

Wednesday 21 February from 13:00 In times gone by, Tattersalls swim races were the blue ribbon event. The ultimate bragging rights were bestowed on those who took out the races on a Tuesday and Thursday. Getting your name forever stencilled on the Tattersalls swimming board was the peak. When the races started being postponed [...]

Swim Club Races Are Back!2024-02-22T11:41:39+10:00


181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Phone: (02) 9264 6111

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PO Box A2326, Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia

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