Book Club

Pages Explored: Book Club Recap and Insights

Last Book club met in person was to discuss ‘The Disappearance of Josef Mengele’ Thank you to Ian Pendleton for leading the discussion. ‘The Disappearance of Josef Mengele’ is a work of historical fiction, which was agreed to be 75% factual.  While the central character, Josef Mengele, was unsurprisingly found to be a particularly [...]

Pages Explored: Book Club Recap and Insights2023-06-16T10:47:08+10:00

Blessed with the Presence of John Doyle: A Recap of Last Thursday’s Event

John Doyle’s Lunch was attended by our members, and he didn’t fail their expectations, it was funny, emotional and endearing with a sense of melancholy! Only John Doyle would have his alter ego ‘Roy Slaven’ write a memoir, with himself as a secondary character. He took us on a hilarious and personal journey to [...]

Blessed with the Presence of John Doyle: A Recap of Last Thursday’s Event2023-05-18T14:19:09+10:00

Blessed by John Doyle, A memoir?

This month’s book has John Doyle delving into the humble beginnings of his alter ego “Rampaging” Roy Slaven. It is the story of the fictional Roy Slaven as an adolescent in 1967 growing up in Lithgow, NSW. It is often humorous, as would be expected. It is also very moving in parts as we [...]

Blessed by John Doyle, A memoir?2023-05-04T17:03:05+10:00

John Doyle Luncheon – “BOOK”ED OUT

A sell out! Whilst maybe words rampaging Roy Slaven would religiously employ to lambast anyone from FIFA to Greco-Roman wrestling, this is the good kind! For those who were unable to secure tickets in time, we have a waitlist, please contact Camille at As we gear up to welcome the acclaimed comedian, actor and [...]

John Doyle Luncheon – “BOOK”ED OUT2023-04-06T14:06:51+10:00

The common readers of Book club joined the Uncommon Reader

The brilliant playwright, Bennett, invents a scenario where the late Queen Elizabeth takes up reading as almost a full-time occupation. This opens her eyes to the world of fiction and causes great consternation to her staff. It gives Bennett the opportunity of poking fun at politicians and palace staff while praising the benefits of [...]

The common readers of Book club joined the Uncommon Reader2023-03-30T15:48:15+10:00

“Blessed” – Lunch with author John Doyle

Thursday 11th May from 12:00 John Doyle will be speaking at the Club about his book Blessed: The breakout year of rampaging Roy Slaven. Who is Rampaging Roy Slaven? An Australian icon, a raconteur, an athlete of unsurpassable - and some may say improbable - sporting feats. Whether it was riding Rooting King to [...]

“Blessed” – Lunch with author John Doyle2023-03-23T15:17:22+10:00

Book Club comes home

By Member Dr Nina Mistilis Our Book Club was resurrected in 2020 during the lockdown and has always operated online via zoom due to the nature of the circumstances during COVID. But it’s finally come home with its first in-person meet held on Tuesday 28 February at the Members’ Bar. Eight Members attended, [...]

Book Club comes home2023-03-02T14:00:52+10:00

Book Club returns to the Club

The historical biography by author Michael Pembroke "Arthur Phillip – Sailor, Mercenary, Governor, Spy " was discussed at the February book club meeting on Tuesday last. While best known as the founding Governor of the colony, the surprising element to all, was the highly diversified and unexpected background of the man. The book [...]

Book Club returns to the Club2023-02-14T10:43:36+10:00

First Book Club meet of 2023

17:00 Tuesday 31 January on Zoom We are commencing the 2023 Book Club on a powerful note with Michael Pembroke's Arthur Phillip: sailor, mercenary, governor, spy. This historical biography is based on the life of Arthur Phillip, While most Australians recognise this name, few seem to know much about him. Michael Pembroke delves into [...]

First Book Club meet of 20232022-12-15T09:30:18+10:00

Book Club will see you in 2023

By our Book Club Member Mr David Castle For our last Book Club event of this year, we choose the Women of Troy by Pat Barker. With this book, we were taken into the entrails of the wooden horse sitting outside Troy in pre-biblical times – loaded with Greek warriors. This book is [...]

Book Club will see you in 20232022-11-24T11:31:42+10:00


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