Book Club

Book Club tames The Leopard

Join the Book Club 17:30 Tuesday 31 May as they review The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa. Blurb Lampedusa's masterpiece, one of the finest works of twentieth-century fiction, is set amongst an aristocratic family facing social and political changes in the wake of Garibaldi's invasion of Sicily in 1860. At the head of the [...]

Book Club tames The Leopard2022-05-05T17:58:49+10:00

Rome is calling

Book Club Members were treated to a visit by the author Elizabeth Farrelly who joined us from a rooftop in the incredibly amazing city of Rome! Surprising the attendees, Elizabeth spoke of some interesting elements to the book. She acknowledged it might be a tough read for non-academics and highlighted feedback that she can [...]

Rome is calling2022-05-04T18:03:57+10:00

Killing Sydney in Book Club’s sights

Join the Book Club 17:30 Wednesday 27 April as they review Killing Sydney by Elizabeth Farrelly. About the Book For Elizabeth Farrelly, Sydney was love at first sight. But in 2012, looking on aghast at the scale of the development firestorm poised above the city, she made a silent vow: I will do what [...]

Killing Sydney in Book Club’s sights2022-04-14T14:02:23+10:00

‘Fierce and Dark’ Book Club reviewed Silence of the Grave

By Member Susan Cantamessa Our book clubbers met on Zoom last Tuesday to discuss Silence of the Grave by Arnaldur Indridason. Set in Iceland, it is the second book in a crime series of the 'Nordic Noir' variety involving Detective Erlendur. Bones are found at a construction site outside Reykjavik. While archaeologists slowly unearth [...]

‘Fierce and Dark’ Book Club reviewed Silence of the Grave2022-04-06T11:25:57+10:00

Book Club reads ‘Silence of the Grave’

17:30 Tuesday 29 March on Zoom There are two weeks left until the next Tattersalls Book Club catch up and it’s not too late to start reading! We will be discussing the Icelandic Thriller Silence of the Grave by Arnaldur Indridason. Silence of the Grave is a crime novel set in Reykjavík. The novel [...]

Book Club reads ‘Silence of the Grave’2022-03-17T12:45:52+10:00

Shuggy Bain sparks a lively discussion for Book Club

Last Tuesday’s meeting on Zoom made for a great discussion about Shuggie Bain. Thank you to Ian Pendleton for leading the discussion.  Our Book Club's review follows: ‘Our book clubbers approached with trepidation Shuggie Bain, the 2020 Booker Prize winner that told a tale set in the 1980’s wastelands of Glasgow. Was it [...]

Shuggy Bain sparks a lively discussion for Book Club2022-04-11T16:09:44+10:00

Book Club reads ‘Shuggie Bain’

Wednesday 22nd February from 17:30 in the Club There are two weeks left until the next Tattersalls Book Club catch up and it’s not too late to start reading! We will be discussing 2020 Booker Prize-winning debut novel Shuggie Bain by Scottish writer Douglas Stuart. It tells the story of the youngest of [...]

Book Club reads ‘Shuggie Bain’2022-04-11T16:27:15+10:00

Book Club’s next read – a 2020 Booker Prize winner

Tuesday 22nd February from 17:30 in the Club Next up Book Club is reading 2020 Booker Prize-winning debut novel Shuggie Bain by Scottish writer Douglas Stuart. It tells the story of the youngest of three children, Shuggie, growing up with his alcoholic mother Agnes in 1980s post-industrial working-class Glasgow. When Douglas Stuart won the Booker Prize for his [...]

Book Club’s next read – a 2020 Booker Prize winner2022-04-12T11:25:20+10:00

Thanks to Member Nicolas Whitlam for sharing his tales of Paris

We recently welcomed Nicholas Whitlam for the second author lunch this year, where he discussed his new book 'Paris 1924 – A Guide'. Considered the queen of world cities and the most exciting in the world, there are many stories to be told, and none more so than in 1924; an Olympic year. A [...]

Thanks to Member Nicolas Whitlam for sharing his tales of Paris2022-04-12T11:29:39+10:00

Book Club recommends – The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

The Club’s Book Club meets every second month either in the Club or on Zoom, and next up is 1997 Booker Prize winner, The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. It’s hard not to find a review that doesn’t purport to a sense of magic and intrigue; "With sensuous prose, a dreamlike style [...]

Book Club recommends – The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy2022-04-12T11:19:56+10:00


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