Tattersalls Club is shifting to a new online accounting software system – Xero.

We have been working hard behind the scenes updating our entire digital infrastructure. Our old systems were not able to support our requirements and we are excited to welcome a new “Tech Stack”.

In preparation for the new billing system the Members Gateway for credit card payments via the internet will be disabled shortly. To replace this option there will be a “Pay Now” link on the new billing system statements and you will be able to pay the total amount due using your chosen credit card.  This solution will provide protection for your card from fraud as we move away from storing your credit card details.

The alternate payment options will still be available to you; electronic funds transfer, Bpay or cash.

During this transition period, some financial processes may be delayed. However, we want to assure you that we are working hard to make these upgrades as quickly as possible so that you can start enjoying a more seamless and improved online experience.

If you require any assistance or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Administration team who will be happy to help at [email protected]