The Athletic Department recently introduced four new pieces of equipment to enhance your fitness experience. This week, we’re diving into the Rear Delt Fly and Pec Deck Machine, a versatile addition designed to target both your shoulders and chest effectively.

Rear Delt Fly: Build Shoulder and Upper Back Strength

The rear delt fly function focuses on isolating the rear deltoids, improving shoulder strength and posture. It also engages the upper back muscles like the rhomboids and traps, essential for overall upper body stability.

Pec Fly: Strengthen Your Chest Muscles

The pec fly isolates the chest muscles (pectorals), allowing you to target the inner, outer, and lower chest without heavily engaging the triceps. This exercise helps build a balanced and well-defined chest while enhancing upper body strength.

Switching Between Rear Delt Fly and Pec Fly

The machine is designed for versatility, allowing you to perform both exercises with minimal adjustments:

For Rear Delt Fly

Adjust the seat so the handles are at shoulder height or slightly below.

Sit facing the machine and grab the handles. Adjust the starting position using the red knob on the handles.

For Pec Fly

Move the handles forward so they are in front of you at shoulder height.

Sit facing away from the machine with your back against the rest, and grip the handles.

Remember to always align the seat and handles properly for each exercise to maintain good form and avoid injury.