Last Book club met in person was to discuss ‘The Disappearance of Josef Mengele’ Thank you to Ian Pendleton for leading the discussion.
‘The Disappearance of Josef Mengele’ is a work of historical fiction, which was agreed to be 75% factual. While the central character, Josef Mengele, was unsurprisingly found to be a particularly unpleasant character (it would be hard to imagine a worse mixture of self-obsession, misery and evil) the account of how Mengele avoided justice in South America proved fascinating. Why the Peronists welcomed the Nazi escapees, how Mengele managed a trip back to Germany in the 1950’s to visit his family, how the Israelis failed to nab Mengele and other issues were analysed. Most agreed that the book was a fascinating account of a now little understood period and had important lessons for today. Scores out of 10 for the book averaged 7, and three-word descriptions included ‘Monster Evades Justice’, ‘Chilling Must Read’ and ‘Fear Crushes Josef’.
The Book club will meet again on zoom next on Tuesday 27 June from 17:00 to discuss Carl Hiaasen’s book “Basket case”.
To join the Book Club or RSVP to the next meeting, please contact