Tattersalls Book Club November Discussion, 26 November 2024  – By Ken Glover

Book: Deadly Secrets
Author: Lynette Silver

Tattersalls book club members met in the club, over a glass of wine, to discuss the book Deadly Secrets by Sydney author Lynette Ramsay Silver.

This was the story of 2 raids on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour in the years 1942 to 1944, involving a battered Japanese fishing boat, now renamed The Krait, currently housed in the Sydney Maritime Museum collection.

We were honoured to have the author Lynette Silver online during the meeting, to explain the background, particularly the covert operations. This she had learned from a meeting in 1996 with a former British Secret Service agent, vis Dennis Emerson- Elliott who was closely associated with both missions.

This meeting with Emmerson- Elliott laid rest a large number of myths associated with both raids, and together with Lynette’s extensive research, made fascinating reading.

Book club members were pro-active in their discussion with Lynette, and although commenting on the overwhelming research and details the author had included, it was agreed it was necessary to back up the story.

The overall consensus was it was an incredible historical book, and well received by the members.

Points out of ten, ranged from 6 to 10, with an average of 8

3 Word summaries, included “Uncovering Uncomfortable Truths “/ “Propaganda, Prisoners, Peril” / “Courage, Cruelty, Contempt.”

The next book club discussion is now scheduled for late January 2025.